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Versandinformationen für Thailand

iHerb ist ein US-Unternehmen, das seit 1996 Kunden auf der ganzen Welt seinen Service anbietet und in über 180 verschiedene Länder versendet! Alle iHerb-Bestellungen werden direkt aus unseren Warenlagern in den USA in Kalifornien, Kentucky, Illinois, Pennsylvania und aus unseren Warenlagern in Südkorea und Hongkong verschickt. Unten finden Sie Informationen zu dem ausgewählten Land.

Noch höherer Mehrwert!
KOSTENLOSER Versand bei Bestellungen über 60,00 €.
Nur für kurze Zeit.

TH Thailand

Unsere Versandoptionen

Flash Express Delivery by Local Post Plus

General Information

Orders near the tax-free limit may be assessed by Duties and Taxes (D&T) as the currency exchange rate may vary.

To find out if you need additional licenses or permits to import the items, please check with your local customs office.

Customs Information

Import tax and duties will be imposed on orders with the total value exceeding 1,500 THB.

For information about customs, import duties, etc., visit: The Customs Department - Thailand


Please see below table for restriction/banned ingredient.

Carrier Restriction Banned ingredient
Flash Express Item qty restrictions
  1. Supplement - up to 2 item regardless of SKU
  2. Food product - up to 1 kg
  3. Cosmetic - up to 2 items per SKU
Weight restrictions
  1. Up to 5 kg per order
  1. DHEA
  2. Poppy seeds
  3. Hemp
  4. Cannabis
  5. Melatonin
  6. Pet Food
  7. Pet Supplement
Local Post Plus
  1. Food, medicine, cosmetics, and pet food or pet supplements may require an import permit license from the Food and Drug Administration
  2. Any products with plants and their parts may require an import permit license from the Department of Agriculture
  3. Melatonin - up to 90 day supply per order
  1. DHEA
  2. Poppy seeds
  3. Hemp
  4. Cannabis


The estimated delivery date is available during checkout. However, it may be affected by air freight delay, Customs hold, or any other complications outside of iHerb’s control.

You may need to pay import taxes, customs duties, or a brokerage (handling) fee which are separate from your shipping fee, and you will be billed directly from the carrier of your choice.

Carrier Order limit Tax & Duties Tracking Contact Info
Flash Express Max weight: 5 Kg (10 lbs)
Max order value: $864 USD
Included Full tracking Rincos Customer Service: +6626739865 to 68 ext 503
Local Post Plus Max weight: 1.8 kg (4 lbs)
Max order value: $100 USD
Not included - may be collected at delivery Tracking to destination country + limited in-country tracking Contact your local post

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Click here to contact iHerb's customer service.

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